What is happening at Silver Creek PS this week?
Monday, Mar 3rd
Sub Day
Tuesday, Mar 4th
Cookie Day
KF-3 field trip (Art Factory)
SR Basketball at Stewarttown PS
Wednesday, Mar 5th
Pizza Day
KF-2 field trip (Art Factory)
Final day to order Pizza, Subs & Cookies on School Cash
Thursday, Mar 6th
KF-1 field trip (Art Factory)
SR Basketball at Silver Creek
Friday, Mar 7th
Lunch Lady day
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended our Arts Evening this past Thursday. To our students and staff for the amazing displays of Art, to Mrs. Wysocka, Mrs. Walton and Mr. Clewer for our beautiful songs from our Junior Choir and to our parent council for putting on a fun painting event in the gym. We look forward to displaying this Art for all to see in our school. Such a fun evening of recognizing aspects of the importance of all forms of Art!
Please be reminded that March 10th-14th is March Break. There is no school that week. Please remind your child to bring any items they might need over break home with them.
Stay tuned for some fun fundraisers we will be messaging about after March Break.
A reminder of the importance of using School Messenger to record your child’s absence or late arrivals. You should also be using messenger to record early departures for your child as well.